What Material Obsession offers you:
• A varied selection of the best teachers available teaching from traditional to contemporary techniques and styles
• A place in a class for the year
• Well lit and laid out classroom with large design walls
• Use of sewing machines, shop rulers and cutting mats
• Excellent fabric choices – we are happy for you to bring your stash fabrics or we will guide you in colour choices in class.
• Maximum of 8 students in each class
What Material Obsession asks of you:
• Payment of fees for each semester in advance. A deposit (equal to one class fee) on the last day of semester is required to secure your place for the following semester.
• The balance of class fees for a semester is due on the first class date of that semester regardless of attendance.
• Payment of class fees is non-refundable unless we cancel the class.
• The use of sewing machines is offered for your convenience. Please be sure to bring your own thread and bobbin. If you experience a problem with the machine please see shop staff immediately.
• Material Obsession is a tight space, please apply perfume with care.
Parking – On street parking is available for two hours, all day parking is available in several locations within a few short blocks of the shop (eg. Alexandra Street). Birkenhead Point has 3 hour free parking. Bus services drop you conveniently nearby.
Customers and students responsibility during current Coronavirus conditions:
-Wash your hands on arrival to the shop. There is hand sanitiser available at the front door.
- Fill in the customer contact form supplied at the door with name, date and contact information.
- We recommend washing your hands when leaving the shop to reduce risk of infection to your family and others.
- Keep physical distance between you, other customers, students and tutors – 1.5 metres where practical.
- If you or anyone you have come in contact with is diagnosed with Coronavirus please stay at home, and contact us immediately.
- If you are unwell in any way, please stay at home.
- Please do not gather in areas of the shop that are obviously too small to meet the social distancing requirements.
- Please notify us immediately if you have come in contact with a known Coronavirus contact.
- Supply your own cup for the consumption of beverages and no food to be prepared in the kitchen (you are welcome to bring and consume your personal pre prepared lunch or snack). No morning tea provided at this time.
- Supply your own tools to be used within the classroom, ie. Rotary cutters, rulers, threads and all supplies to be used during the class.
- Identify and use only the one sewing machine during the class period.
Material Obsession responsibility during current Coronavirus conditions:
- Wash your hands on arrival to the shop. There is hand sanitiser availableat the front door.
- Ensure that all visitors to the shop wash their hands when entering and social that social distancing is practiced within the premises.
- Staff to do regular cleaning of door handles, handrails, cutting mats, tables, sewing machines, EFTPOS facilities and bathrooms on a regular basis, with supplied disinfectant.
- Take reasonable care for your own health and safety and not adversely affect the health and safety of others.